Shared Values Statement

I / we envision a future where all Tennesseans are healthy, have control over their own health-related decisions, and have access to the resources they need to make informed choices about all facets of their health, without stigma or discrimination.

I / we believe that:

  • Sexual health and reproductive autonomy are core elements of our overall health and well-being.
  • Sexuality is a natural and positive part of our lives, and individual expressions of sexuality between consenting adults should be respected.
  • Tennesseans should have access to accurate and complete information about sexual and reproductive health based on the best available science.
  • Tennesseans should have access to the full range of safe and legal reproductive health care services.
  • The health-related issues of specific populations may differ by age, gender identification and expression, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, educational and economic status, personal values, and emotional and physical development, and these differences should be acknowledged, respected and addressed.

I / we support the right of all Tennesseans to:

  • Make private decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, free from intrusion or coercion by any government, group, or individual.
  • Access a full range of legal, safe & affordable sexual and reproductive health care along with accurate information about their health care options.
  • Be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their reproductive decisions.

Submission of a Membership Application to Healthy & Free Tennessee confirms agreement with the values stated above.  

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